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SHRIMP featured on the Leipzig University Instagram Account

This Thursday, the instagram account of the University of Leipzig featured a special guest: Shrimpy! In a series of photos uploaded to their story, a feature that allows for a sequent of posts to disappears after 24 hours, viewers gained an insight into what a day with Shrimpy looked like. Starting with getting up:

Talk Nerdy to Me: The Lost Cards

Hey y’all! In this week’s Talk Nerdy to Me we’re going to discuss something a bit different: the cards the fewest distinct readers. That is to say, they’re the cards where the fewest number of specific users have read them. Let’s dive into the data!




As we can clearly see, less than 25 of you have read each of these individual cards, and for some of them it’s less than 20! That’s not too many people.


Talk Nerdy to Me: Leaving a Mark on the World (or on SHRIMP)

This week in Talk Nerdy to Me, we will be discussing a lesser known feature on SHRIMP: bookmarks. They’re a great way to keep in mind cards that might be interesting or important in the future, but also to make sure you remember where you read something important for the next session. Let’s take a look at how you all have been using this function and which cards have received the most bookmarks:bookmarks.jpg

Talk Nerdy to Me: A (not so) Shrimpy Christmas

Talk Nerdy to Me: A (not so) Shrimpy Christmas

Here at SHRIMP we hope everyone had a relaxing and fun Winter Break—we know we did! And we also know that at least a few of you got the best gift on Christmas: the gift of knowledge, for which some of you got the “Nerds on Christmas” badge. Accordingly, this week we wanted to check out how our vacation days affected reading habits.




Talk Nerdy to Me: Looking for Answers about Reading Questions

This week in Talk Nerdy to Me, we’re going to look at the reading questions – that neat feature that pops up at the end of sessions, asking you to reflect on what you read and to put it into your own words. Reading questions help you get organized for the seminars as they test whether or not you truly understood what you read, and prepare you for discussing the texts with your peers. While this feature has been steadily used by you all, we can detect quite a bit of fluctuation when we look at the data:

Talk Nerdy to Me: Some Notes on Annotations

Diese Woche bei “Talk Nerdy To Me“ schauen wir uns die verschiedenen Lerntypen an, die auf SHRIMP zu finden sind. Da es allerlei verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt, auf SHRIMP mit dem Text zu interagieren – Kommentare, Likes, Annotationen – ist es ganz interessant zu sehen, wie diese Funktionen genutzt werden. Diese Woche analysieren wir, wie viele private Annotationen pro Person in einem Semester gemacht werden. Dazu haben wir den Datensatz des Wintersemesters 15/16 genutzt um ein Diagramm zu erstellen:

Talk Nerdy to Me: Analytics for everyone

Wie bereits angekündigt, dreht sich in dieser Projektphase von SHRIMP alles um Learning Analytics, also die Auswertung von Nutzungsdaten der Plattform. Um dem statistikgeneigten SHRIMP-Leser unsere Erkenntnisse nicht vorzuenthalten, gibt es hier ab jetzt das wöchentliche Installment "Talk Nerdy to Me" zu lesen, in welchem wir unserem inneren Statistik-Nerd frönen.

Diese Woche liegt unser Fokus auf der Anzahl Karten, die pro Tag gelesen wurden:



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